Posted on: Tuesday 26-08-2014
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BEEVERYCREATIVE began the “3D in Schools” project with a very clear purpose: to bring 3D printing technology into every school in Portugal. The second step is to spread this project to other countries, so that even more children and young people can have access to this revolutionary technology.

They believe that 3D printing will give rise to a profound revolution in both current production methods and the very way we live, adding value to society and contributing to a better world. New generations will be the engine behind this change in paradigm, so they see spreading 3D printing throughout Educational Systems as vital. The successful adoption of this technology may give a country a more competitive edge, contributing in no small part to the well-being of its people.

This project can be divided up into three parts: 1) Widespread provision of specific technological solutions to schools; 2) Adaptation of teaching content; 3) Presentation of advantageous commercial solutions.

Currently, BEEVERYCREATIVE is identifying and selecting potential partners for this project, seeking organizations from the areas of education, technology or from whoever is already a supplier of school equipment.

Companies who are interested may contact them via partnership@beeverycreative.com. The “3D in Schools” project will be presented to the public at the Lisbon Design Show, which will take place at FIL, from the 8th to the 14th of October.